Lovely summery yellow paint job complete. But yet more painting and finishing touches to the gallery itself in preparation for hanging photos for the Photoradar 5degrees exhibition. It's all slowly coming together with three up on the wall. The dark, intriguing tones of these three photos juxtaposed against the brilliantly dazzling white gallery walls and sunshine leaking in through the open doors.
I've been printing off application forms for our Open Show (on at the end of July) - pick one up if you for the chance to exhibit your wares here at Surface! And small posters advertising our new space on the 2nd floor for any photographers in search of copious amounts of natural light...
Volunteers and the Photoradar team sporadically skip off to sneinton market to stock up on fruit and veg in between vital moments of creating, constructing, sanding, painting, hanging, sanding, framing, sunbathing...
Exciting time ahoy: Photoradar - the first exhibition I've been involved in as a new volunteer! See you there, Eve